The red dye penetrant indicates surface flaws against white developer powder background and includes an extra cleaner for pre-cleaning, penetrant removal and after inspection clean up. It contains no chlorinated solvents and meets the ASME section V halogen and chloride content requirements. The Test Kits are available in three different constellations.

Product information
Petroleum hydrocarbon solvent based red dye penetrant.
- P101S-A Solvent removable red dye penetrant: 2 cans per kit
D101-A Non-aqueous wet developer: 2 cans per kit
C101-A Non-chlorinated solvent blend cleaner: 4 cans per kit - P301W-A Water washable red dye penetrant: 2 cans per kit
D101-A Non-aqueous wet developer: 2 cans per kit
C101-A Non-chlorinated solvent blend cleaner: 4 cans per kit - P101S-A Solvent removable red dye penetrant: 2 cans per kit
D101-A Non-aqueous wet developer: 2 cans per kit
C901N-A Non-chlorinated solvent (Naphta) cleaner: 4 cans per kit

More testing agents
There are other agents from CANTESCO to check your welding work. Have a look for yourself!
CANTESCO Magnetic Particle Inspection – Whits Contrast Developer D2000
CANTESCO Visible Dye Penetrant P101S-A – Solvent Removable
CANTESCO Solvent Cleaner C101 – Standard
CANTESCO Solvent Cleaner C901N – Nuclear
CANTESCO Visible Dye Penetrant P301W-A – Water Washable
CANTESCO Leak Detection Compound – Low Temp Red
CANTESCO Leak Detection Compound – Regular Temperature Formular 100
CANTESCO Leak Detection Compound – Reg Temp Type I Formula 300
CANTESCO Leak Detection Compound – Low Temp Type II Formula 365
CANTESCO Leak Detection Compound – Mid Temp